Sunday, August 23, 2009

So far, so good

From Misc

My review to date on my PT1911 Taurus pistol. Now that I've had this rig for a few months I think it's more the earned at few words. I haven't had one problem with this gun since I've bought it. Even with me feeding it double loads. I'm guessing I've put at least 1000rnds thru it since I've had it. I've shot it at to uspsa shoots, at the range and let a bunch of friends shoot it as well. I'll review deeper when I have time.

Time at the Range

Well Sat we decided to go out to and expend some ammo. We got fancy and improvised a sunshade. We ended up shooting for about four hours. Everything from pistols to bows and rifles too. A good time was had by all.
From Misc