Monday, July 18, 2011

It was the Fourth of July - Part 1

Curt Gowdy was the first stop on Joab and myself's 4th of July weekend.  We met some other friends and rode with them for the better part of the day.  We ended up doing some stuff we knew and then some we had never seen.  On the last lap I went over the bars and took a good chunk out of my elbow and made some odd writing on my shin.  My friend Pat went over the bars the first lap around, I mimicked him on the next go around and went over in the same place.  We ended up leaving a crowded Gowdy around 2:30pm so we could get up the hill to Winter Park.  We got as far as Fort Collins before a friend called warning us of the hour long congestion going up into the mountains.  We then took our time in Fort Collins finding me a new pair of gloves.(Thanks for the warning Mike!)

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