Sunday, May 25, 2008

Jakes new bike

Ever since I've had kids I've always insisted on getting them good bikes. Head to the local bike shop and spring a few more bucks for a bike that fits right and will last ten times as long. There are those that will disagree with me on this. Saying that by the time the bike wears out that they will be ready for a bike anyway. I don't think so. We still have Josh's first bike. He rode that bike to kindergarten. I've had to replace a few things. Not for the fact that it's worn out however. The shifter broke after Jenny let a friend borrow it one time. Why is it always one time? Any how I replaced it with a old thumb shifter I had. To this day you can still take it down and have it work. So we ran to Cheyenne and went straight to the bike store. Found a bike that fit Jake, and he took a ride on it. Fit great, with a little room to grow. He already looks much better on this bike then any he's had in the past. Jakes never been a bit bike person. I hope this one turns it around a bit for him.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

I'm RICH!!!

Well my life has changed for the better. Looks like I'm going to be rich.

Your email has won(£500,000.00GBP). Contact Adam Smith with
Batch#:409978E and detail for claim.
Mr.Adam Smith
Tel: +44 7031963678

Just got this email. I am going to hold off telling my work about it and quitting for a few days till I here from them.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Ahh where to begin.....

Well I'll just start by it's been awhile. I'm going to try once again to start doing this on a more regular basis. A lot has happened since I've started neglecting this place.

Looks as if I'm getting a new car. My boss at Motel 6 has a Audi A6 for sale. I made the mistake of asking to test drive it. WOW, I haven't had a car with that much power in a long long time. So between me falling in love with it and his totally too low of a asking price. I'm pretty sure I'm going to get it.

Backpacking season for me and the kids is here all ready and I think were almost ready. I need to get one more backpack for Jenny and we'll be set. I think we may pack up and do a test outing over Memorial day. Do the normal first of the year prep run in Grandma's pasture. Iron out the bugs since I've never taken all four kids before.

I've done a couple of pretty simple design's for a couple different paintball events. The first being Spring Pump Event. The paintball gathering that I attend every year.

The next is for a upcoming event in Colorado. This one got me free entry to the game. Pretty good deal considering I usually do it for free.

I've also been messing around with a idea for a website for a friend. We'll see if anything becomes of that.