So I printed out a bunch of the templates side by side on a piece of paper. Then I started sketching again. Getting the little monster to conform to the space given. I had laid out six templates. I figured I'd fill all six and get the little devil out of my system.
I then took a few of these in to Illustrator and made a functional design out of them. I took my three favorite. Top right, Bottom left and Middle left. Then I went a step further and put them on a purple top cap. Using Photoshop it wasn't that hard. I also found a gold binder bolt.
I decided I liked the one with the Narwhal like horn. So I packaged up the AI file just the way they asked and sent it off. Now when I sent it off I didn't expect such a quick turn around. I must have sent it off at about 10am in the morning. By 4pm in the afternoon it was done and on it's way to me.
Not too far off of my photoshop job. I like it. I think it'll make a great top cap. When I get it and get it on the Alubooyah I'll take some more pics.